The Sarah Lawrence sex cult father who forced his daughter's roommates to perform sex acts on each other and who he treated like slaves was today jailed for 60 years by a judge who labeled his crimes 'pure and simple sadism'.
Larry Ray, 63, was sentenced today in a federal Manhattan courthouse.
He was convicted of sex trafficking, racketeering and extortion in April following a highly publicized trial where prosecutors detailed how he manipulated his daughter's 20-something roommates after moving in with them in at their campus dormitories in 2010.
The youngsters were all Sarah Lawrence students who agreed when Ray's daughter Talia asked if he could come and stay with them for a period following a brief incarceration.
Instead of simply crashing at their apartment, he targeted the group of youngsters, separating them from their families and coercing them into degrading acts, before extorting them for his own gain and, eventually, holding some captive.
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Lawrence 'Larry' Ray will spend the rest of his life in prison after being sentenced today to 60 years
Larry Ray in court today, depicted in a court sketch from inside the federal courthouse
His crimes were first exposed in 2019 by New York Magazine's The Cut. Some of the group remained loyal to him even then, after being cut off from their families by Ray.
Today, some gave witness impact statements to tell how Ray destroyed their lives.
'His evil withered us. I feel profoundly violated in a way that I cannot fully communicate,' Claudia Drury, now 31, said.
The only sympathy Ray reserves is for himself. Today, he told the judge how the last three years had been 'hard' on him.
'I’ve had COVID twice, and I'm in pain all the time. I lost my father, my step-father, and my step-mother all in one week.
'They are gone. I didn't get to say goodbye,' he said.
I’ve had COVID twice, and I'm in pain all the time. I lost my father, my step-father, and my step-mother all in one week. They are gone. I didn't get to say goodbye
The judge spared no mercy. He sought to take any light from his victims' lives.
'It was sadism. Pure and simple,' said U.S. District Judge Lewis J. Liman, who added Ray used his 'evil genius' to control the kids.
Among those who took the stand during his trial were victims who'd escaped him.
A woman who referred to herself as Sarah Lawrence 'cult leader' Larry Ray's 'wife' and lived with him and his co-accused, 'lieutenant' Isabella Pollok, has told jurors how her 'romantic' relationship descended into abuse and sexual humiliation that destroyed her medical career and left her feeling 'subhuman.'
Felicia Rosario, 39, took the stand at the start of week three of the high-profile trial Monday, telling jurors how she was introduced to Ray through her brother, Santos, who was a student at the elite liberal college with 62-year-old Ray's daughter, Talia.
Rosario described how she found Ray 'charming' when the young woman, then a 29-year-old medical graduate of Harvard and Columbia and on track to gain her medical license, first met him in the fall of 2011.
Rosario was living with Ray and Pollok in a home in Piscataway, New Jersey, when Ray was arrested in February 2020.
She said she called him, 'honeybun,' and both she and Pollok considered themselves his 'wife.'
Ray's daughter Talia (left) has been named as a co-conspirator along with Ray's so-called 'lieutenant' and co-accused Isabella Pollok, (right) the judge ruled last week
Pictured: Victims Claudia Drury (left) Dan Levin (right) in evidence photos submitted to the court
Ray ultimately ingratiated himself with his daughter Talia's friends, Santos Rosario (left) Daniel Levin, Felicia Rosario (right) and Isabella Pollok
Rosario told a now familiar tale of Ray's pattern of charm that swiftly gave way to coercion, sexual humiliation, and physical and psychological abuse.
A second-year resident in Los Angeles, Rosario saw Ray only a handful of times on the east coast before he declared himself 'in love' with her and began setting sexual challenges.
In testimony that echoed that of alleged cult member Claudia Drury, 31, Rosario told how Ray set her challenges and asked her to have sex with strangers and record it for him.
She also told how he would ask her to go to the mall, not wearing underwear with a short skirt and shop for shoes, and to flash the shoe salesman when he assisted her.
Rosario told the jury she was 'completely and utterly dependent on Larry in every way'
In another profoundly disturbing clip, introduced in evidence, Ray can be seen body-slamming Rosario to the floor as she wails and struggles under the weight of his knee which he places on her back to subdue her
In another video, a disheveled and at times incoherent Rosario is heard speaking in a childlike voice as she begs Ray to be allowed to remain inside the house
'He made these demands basically every weekend.
'Eventually he was so insistent, threatening to break up with me and leave me that I started to comply,' Rosario said.
Rosario said she first had sex with a stranger for Ray in the summer of 2012, by which time she had left the west coast and moved in with Ray at his Upper East Side apartment.
She told the court Ray and Pollok shared a bed and that all three slept naked together.
Rosario said she 'wasn't happy' but that Ray convinced her he was doing this to 'help' Pollok, just as he was 'helping' the other students overcome their mental and emotional issues.
In time, she said, Ray demanded that she perform sex acts on both him and Pollok.
'He called it the BPD Camp', Rosario said, explaining it stood for borderline personality disorder or, 'Bad Parenting Disorder', as Ray called it.
The court saw disturbing video in which Ray filmed Rosario apparently asleep and with a black eye.
She can be seen wearing her graduation cap, a repeated humiliation tactic of Ray when, she testified, he would make her wear it and mock her as stupid and a failure.
Pictured: Larry Ray outside his stepfather's home in Pinehurst, North Carolina
Ray's alleged campaign of control is said to have escalated during the summer of 2013, when Drury and several others travelled to Pinehurst, North Carolina, to help with yardwork at Ray's stepfather's property (pictured)
In audio played in court, Ray can be heard instructing another student to 'buy a pacifier' for Rosario because she is acting 'like a child' and 'subhuman.'
On another occasion, Rosario told jurors he had Pollok buy diapers and put them on her, forcing her to sit on the floor and watch cartoons while wearing only them and a T-shirt.
As with Drury, Ray allegedly turned his tactics on Rosario to extort money from her for alleged wrongdoings – at one point she 'confessed' to stealing $160,000 from him.
She asked friends and family for money, ran up credit card debt, and emptied her 'very small' 401K to 'repay' him, she said.
Rosario's mental and physical decline was disturbingly evident in a 2013 video of her at Ray's stepfather's property in Pinehurst, North Carolina shown in court on Monday
While living with Ray and his so-called 'lieutenant' Isabella Pollok, Rosario Pollok let herself become unkempt and 'unattractive' so that he would not send her out on sexual challenges
Rosario also told how Ray punched her in the face, head, and stomach, kicked her legs, tied her with zip ties, and covered her mouth with duct tape in a campaign to erode her sense of self and reality.
Ultimately, she became convinced that her own siblings had poisoned her – a feeling she described as 'heartbreaking' and a conviction that destroyed their once close relationship.
She said that she herself was 'terrified', 'paranoid', and 'overwhelmed', certain that Ray would make good on threats to send her to jail if she did not comply with his demands.
Her stress was such that she once attempted suicide, Rosario said.
Ultimately, she told the court, Ray stopped demanding she sleep with strangers and record it in 2017.
By then, living with Ray and Pollok, she explained that she had let herself become unkempt, with knotted hair, and dull clothes and was 'unattractive' and 'uninteresting.'
'He wasn't going to get anything if he sent me out the way I was,' she testified.